What do You Believe In?

I watched Channel 7’s Sunday Night program featuring the story behind the latest album from Lee Kernaghan and literally cried my heart out for the parents of Private Ben Chuck who, to me, represented every parent who has ever lost a child to war.


As the story unfolded I realised I was not only shedding quiet tears for the loss of lives but also for the passion, patriotism, talent and totally unassuming nature of Lee Kernaghan and the words he has penned as a tribute to all our personnel (be they armed with weapons or a stethoscope) who have served, who continue to serve and in particular to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect not only us but others around the world.

I’ve always thought he was a great role model as, obviously, did others with an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) being awarded in 2004 and then being named Australian of the Year in 2008, but he has now been elevated in my list of people to be admired and respected from ‘great’ to ‘exemplary’.

I find it easier to like and be motivated by humble people who are driven by a true passion for what they believe in.

lee kernaghan

Lee Kernaghan OAM